Our Team

Meet Our Coordination Team

To achieve our mission, we leverage our team of diverse and skilled individuals whose determination and personal and collective experience are an asset to IPBF.

Bakyono Ezoma Juliette Nathalie

President/Resource Person
Juliette is a sociologist, Lecturer-Researcher at the Institut Universitaire de Formations Initiale et Continue (IUFIC) – Université Thomas SANKARA of Burkina Faso. Conscious of inequalities and injustice against minorities, it is very naturally that her university curriculum was directed towards social issues related to gender and population movements, with a focus on women and children. As a human rights activist, she is committed to empowerment and transformational leadership in young women and girls.

Kaboré Wendyam Micheline

Executive Director
Micheline is a committed human rights activist and feminist dedicated to an egalitarian world that respects the rights of women and girls. Passionate about gender and development studies, she is convinced that the development and wellbeing of women and girls depends on their empowerment, their resilience and their active leadership. Interested in gender relations in sub-Saharan Africa and their impact on the lives of millions of women and girls, Micheline assumes the leadership of Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien-être de la Femme (IPBF) since January 2020.

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